Does anyone else ever feel like some days you are just losing it? Feel free to insert whatever you'd like for "it"... your mind, your belongings, your bladder (for my fellow pregnant ladies). Anyway in the past two days we've lost a fair amount of items: Mason's monkey backpack, his winter coat, a shoe at the museum...
And unfortunately I can't even blame any of these things on him yet. Fortunately all items were recovered by the end of the day.
But it's times like these when I, as an adult, am reminded of how much patience I will most definitely need through the child-rearing years. After all, if I can't even keep it all together how much more can I expect from a two-year-old?
And I have a feeling it will happen a lot. For example, I drop things a lot... after accidentally dropping and breaking a salt shaker Dustin stated, "and this is why we just can't have nice things." I have locked my keys in my car on more than one occasion. I have gotten stains on my favorite shirts and even lost objects of sentimental importance. All this has become even more amusing to me through the years because it seems the harder I try to avoid occurrences like this, the more often they happen. And generally I like to be very prepared for every possible circumstance. I admit I love my lists and I always pack too much when traveling.
So I just want to warn my future self to be prepared for this to occur more than a million times with kids throughout the years... I just know it will happen. And when it does, it won't be the end of the world and hopefully I won't make it feel like that to my kids. After all, it's my fault it's in their genes right? :) And hopefully I'll have the patience to say "That's okay, accidents happen. Let's clean it up. Mommy drops things too."
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