Monday, February 7, 2011

More Nesting News

Have I mentioned how extremely totally hugely thankful I am for all the help on our home improvement projects? The fact that I can contribute very little makes me even more appreciative.

I can't even begin to count the hours that my husband, parents, in-laws, and friends have volunteered to help us move, paint, tile, sand stuff, install new sinks/toilets/bathtub, drywall, and more!

Basically I try to keep the workers well fed and hydrated and stick to what I'm good at.... ORGANIZING!

I really really like to organize (although you may not know it by some areas of my life/house right now). I'm not a freak about it or anything, I just like to do it. Maybe it's the teacher in me. And I'm sure there are people that are REALLY super crazy organized. I don't think I will ever be one of "those" people. I just don't get too extreme in any one area. Both Dustin and I are pretty balanced/practical people.

I decided getting these tubs for $3.50 each was a good investment... for my sanity :).

I really don't have a problem with parts of the house being torn apart for construction, it's not that big of deal to me. It's just part of the process, and it doesn't stay that way forever. I do like having other parts that have order, though. Which is why I'm focusing my energy on organizing the basement. It's been fun!

Please tell me it's normal to accumulate this much stuff for your kid in just 2 years!?

With the installation of a new closet organization system in the main floor closet and sorting all of Mason's clothes into plastic tubs, I'm just a pretty happy lady these days. Organization rocks. It's my relaxation. Who knows, maybe one day I will be one of "those" people. After all, I do have a pretty awesome name picked out if I do ever start up an organization business :).

Mason's into climbing. Only minor injuries so far...

The look of excitement combined with shock that I'm not yelling at him to sit down, perhaps?

I find it amusing that during the coldest part of the year Mason has decided to go on a sock strike.

I'm glad God made each of us unique. After all, there's not time to do everything. Now if I could just find someone who absolutely loves to clean... :).